AVMC Anicca Box


AVMC Anicca Box service is a TEMPORARY FILE TRANSFER service which could be used to transfer file(s) between AVMC committee members and all working subgroups. These files can be Dhamma talks, event photos or any other AVMC related documents, that are PUBLIC in nature. Anyone would be able to access and download the uploaded files in this Anicca Box (without any restriction).

To UPLOAD file(s), please click UPLOAD tab in the top menu bar above.

Once you have uploaded the Dhamma talk video/audio file(s), please inform Bro Janaka Low (janaka.low@gmail.com) (+60 16 4422065 (WhatsApp Preferred)) to pick up the file(s) as soon as you can, so that he has enough time to pick up the file(s) before the expiry date.

To DOWNLOAD file(s), please click DOWNLOAD tab in the top menu bar above.

Please note that the uploaded file(s) will expire in 14 days time. All expired file(s) will be removed automatically without any further notice. This is to ensure that the Anicca Box storage stays healthy and is always available for others to use. Removed file(s) is NOT restorable, as we do not run any backup service for the Anicca Box content.

RECOMMENDED file size: Less than 1.0 GB
MAXIMUM allowed file size: 2.0 GB


To UPLOAD file(s), please choose the file(s) to upload, and click the button below to start the upload process. Please wait and do NOT click on anything until the upload process is 100% completed. Thank you.

Once you have uploaded the Dhamma talk video/audio file(s), please inform Bro Janaka Low (janaka.low@gmail.com) (+60 16 4422065 (WhatsApp Preferred)) to pick up the file(s) as soon as you can, so that he has enough time to pick up the file(s) before the expiry date.


To DOWNLOAD file(s), please click the button below to view the content of the uploads folder, and then click on the file that you wish to download.

If you have multiple files to download, you will need to download the files one by one. Thank you.

File Upload Status

INFO: You have not uploaded any file yet. Please click UPLOAD tab to start uploading file(s).